Yury Vetrov


I co-organize one of the biggest design conferences in Russia (Fintech Design Conf; earlier — Mail Design Conf / Dribbble Meetup, Russian Design Cup), run the oldest design digest, publish on Smashing Magazine, UXmatters, and UX Collective


I curate Future London Academy course in London, give lectures in British Higher School of Arts & Design, collaborate with many educational platforms
I lead brand and product design at Muse Group (Ultimate Guitar, MuseScore, Audacity, etc.). Before that I led several design teams Raiffeisen Bank & Mail.ru Group. I had a UX consultancy earlier (UI Modeling Company)

Project timeline

A book draft based on the article series — I set up a new structure around patterns. 30% ready.
An online course. Pattern description format was shaped up, homework templates were added, the framework itself took off. 70% ready.
In Spring I spent 3 months sorting my endless notes for 7 years and updated the chapter structure. I started this series in Mail.ru Group, several years after I joined the company; when I moved to Raiffeisen Bank, I looked at the framework with fresh eyes, as a new person in a company — it enriched the material. 75% ready.
In Summer I finished the final draft of the book. True hardcore stuff. 96% ready.
In Autumn I worked with illustrations and proofreading. It led to being 100% ready.
Editing corrections for the book draft, drawing and translating a couple of hundred diagrams, re-recording the online course in Russian, and starting an online workshop for Smashing Magazine in English. It was a hardcore — 10,000 minor and major corrections in the first round of editing corrections with Alpina publisher, leading to more iterations like that.
Moving to InDesign and making endless updates to have an organic result: text, illustrations, approvals to use images from other authors, website updates to add link index, etc. I would give up if not for Vlad Golovach's help.

Other projects

Updates about the book & the course
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